Add custom robots.txt file blogger
It is a very simple process. You just need to Login to your blogger account and some follow these steps:![]() |
Add custom robots.txt file blogger |
1. Login to your blogger account.
2. Select your required blogger from the list and Go to Settings.
3. Click on Search preferences from the list
4. Press click Edit next to the Customs robots.txt under Crawlers and indexing option
5. Click Yes to Enable Custom robots.txt content file.
6. Enter the following lines of code.
User-agent: Media partners-Google
User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
7. Press Save changes to add your custom robots.txt to your blogger account.
8. Check and test your robots.txt file.
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robots.txt-checker-in-GWTA |
how to create robots text file
Now know that it is important for us to make good news crawling process to find what we have on our site easy that's why we need to use robots, not text file so that weekend dude I am looking at Google Webmaster Tools help section which actually tells you more details. I'll be at different user agent Google users on the internet. So you can read more be a so let's go quickly and let's first copy this couple lines of text you.User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
When we do all we have to do to ease you to find a root folder as we've been using yup and simply open up a notepad the windows it comes prepackaged as we know and let space that what we've copied in it and let's save a is is he a so we seek robots got text voice kept simple is that near we've created one as you can see we have one right so let's open that up let's say why are we using this yet we know what you're seeing on the screen now basically tells google bot you know what you will what when you come to my website I disallow you not any pages so therefore it can you know index everything. But what if I put Dez forward slash your and didn't say these and then upload this right what's that text files to my server with this just one line of code I've basically told Google to not index my entire website so therefore I've seen this happen meaning don't make an honest mistake to include that forward slash and then upload is this I have works if you want you will index everything simply leave it as you're seeing on the screen and easily get.
But what if you want to you know block Google to crow let's say private folder let's say if you want to do that then then you put the forward slash incised you name you give the name of your private folder so if you dare upload this file as you're seeing on your screen right near your then telling you look at Cuba you know what you can index my entire website but whatever is within this folder don't index can debt and uses robot text oil if you want to blocks should in this example it's the entire folder I am whatever is within it will not call the toy index but you can also that's a you have a specific for adult you have a local folder I am within that you have a private HTML file well if you don't want Google to just not index that Inc role that then you can use it such as well Sony out that's how we create and use this for oily who want to block certain things but because we should not want to block certain things let's save it as such and that's the default seen it will index everything in cruel every near but as we've seen in the previous article session weekend X actually site good. you know what near you came to stretch Roy Bostock text file from my server just I'm gonna make your job easy and I'm gonna actually tell you way white site map East located up kept up and then that save this so let's open up that oil in Dreamweaver. what you're saying with the snare is you. You will i LA OU everything and he is my site map go and get that and then you put this online so what's this uploaded you can do so I uploaded in your hosting account simply locate your file manager app and then it has to be inside public underscore HTML folder right as you can see for it to work it has to be one more thing before we close this article session ease you may have you not let's say you showcase photographs and you your online business revolves around. If that's the case it's only intelligent for you to create image sitemaps right so you can actually give two different site map locations to Google in you're right what's dot takes part but what if you know your website revolt sorry and article content and saw and why not then create a site map for your videos because Google can understand all that stuff right to make do job EC is the I am that we should have when we want to rank air keywords so they for using robots not text file we are making you lose jobs of understanding our web site eighties that's why we use thank you very much.
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