What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising
There are a lot of people out there that aren't too sure or familiar with the different kinds of advertising that you can do on the Internet, and paid search is one of them. The first thing that we're going to go through, it may seem simple to some people, but the difference between where paid ads and organic search results difference Imagine this is your web page. You've done a search on Google for greenhouses. Here and here are actually the sponsor paid advertisements. In this centerpiece here, you've got your organic listings. The bits I'm going to be talking about today, I'm just going to purely be focusing on the paid advertising.
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What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising |
There are three major players in terms of PPC advertising
You've got Google, you've got Yahoo! and you've got Bing, which most people are going to be familiar with. Each of these search engines has got their own platform to run PPC campaigns from. So by Google, you've got Google AdWords, which is going to be by far the most predominant platform and search engine used by paid advertisers. Following this, you've got Yahoo! And Bing. They have recently merged together, so all of the search results that you're seeing on Bing and Yahoo! Are driven by the Bing results, and you've got two sets of results that are exactly the same on two different search engines.
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Up here we've got our account. Whether that is with Bing, whether that's with Yahoo! or whether that's with Google, you've got your account here. Below that, you're going to have your campaigns. Now the best thing to look at a campaign as Yes, if you've got a different service or a different product, you should have a different campaign for each of those. Underneath your campaign, you've then got what's called ad groups. Now within a campaign, I would expect to see multiple ad groups all containing different keywords. So within the ad groups, we then got our keywords.
Now the reason I'm saying to structure a campaign like this is you've got your campaign at the top, ad groups underneath that all contain keywords. You think of an ad group like a house. So you've got all of your different keywords as little people that go inside the house. Now what you're looking to do, so say if we're taking a chocolate manufacturer who wants to sell chocolate bars online, you might have Twix, Bounty, Galaxy, Milky Ways, whatever. If you were to have all of those keywords in one ad group, the ad text that you are going to write is never Going to be relevant to all three or four of those chocolate bars.
So what you're aiming to do is to select keywords that are really closely themed with each other and place them within a group. We've got our keywords. So now let's move on to add text. Within an ad group, you've got your ad text. Ad text should closely match the keywords that you've got within that ad group. Let's say we are selling Twix chocolate bars. If you've got all you Twix variations of keywords
in that one group, you can then have ad text that is something along the lines of, "Buy Twix online.
Great deals at online prices. Twix bars are delicious." Link it through to your Twix page. If you had all of your different keywords that were in all different chocolate bars within that one ad group, that ad text is never going to marry up to all of those keywords and is never going to be relevant.
Moving on from the keywords and ad texts, that's what we've covered so far, the next thing I want to talk about is your negative keywords, which are missing on so many occasions by lots of different campaigns that we've seen. So you've got your negative keywords. These are keywords that should basically counteract anything that you don't want your ads to show for. There are going to be a lot of people online that might be searching for free chocolate online, free Twix online. Putting Free as a negative keyword into your campaign level keywords is going to stop Any ads appearing if anyone is searching for anything with the phrase free within it. So that's your negatives.
The next thing that you want to look at and pay attention to when you're creating an account is your budget that you want to set. Now the budget is set at the campaign level. It's a daily budget that you can allocate, and that should be something that you can afford to pay on a daily basis. Following that, you then want to set your keywords or ad group bids. These are called maximum CPCs, and these are going to tell the search engines what you're willing to pay per click. So don't over inflate these and don't put a really low CPC in there because your ads aren't Going to be shown. Now that covers the basic campaign structure. I have written a blog post that is going to go alongside this article, so do check that out. We've got diagrams and stuff in there that should help you structure your campaign accordingly.
The final thing I want to go through is the importance of measuring the success of your PPC campaign. AdWords, Yahoo!, MSN adCenter, they've all got similar functionality and they all measure the same elements of a PPC campaign. These are your clicks, so how much traffic you are each of your ads and keywords. Impressions are how many times your ad is displayed within the search results. You've got your click-through rate, your CTR, which is essentially your clicks Divided by your impressions. Anything above 5% is deemed a good click-through Rate, so that is something to aim for. Following that you've got your spend. Spend is something that you really want to keep track of. You don't want to be spending over and above. You want to make sure that your PPC campaigns are converting and generating a healthy ROI for you. Otherwise, there is no point in running them.
Next up in tracking you've got your conversions. All three platforms allow you to put a piece of code on your conversion page so you can see which keywords are actually generating a conversion for you, so another really important measurable here. Following that you've got your conversion rate, which is, again, essentially your conversions divided by the number of clicks. So how many clicks is it taking you to convert a lead or a sale or a purchase?
Finally we've got the cost per conversion, which is again something that is really an important factor to look at when you're managing your PPC campaign, because you don't want your cost per conversion to be more than what you're actually paying for that item or that service in the first place. That's it from me. Like I said, there is a blog post that is going to be going live with this video as well, so do check that out. If you've got any questions or want some further information, follow us on Twitter, like us, on Facebook, or sign up to our blog. Thanks very much.
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