BEST SEO Strategy Techniques For Increasing The Traffic | Webmaster Tools 2015

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           In this Article, I hope to share high-level              ideas that may be helpful to you when                  building both an SEO and online strategy              for your business. This Content is targeted            to beginners, who work on search                          optimization or online strategy. I'm sure                that many of you watching have                            familiarity with how Search works and                products like Google Webmaster Tools                and Google Analytics.

SEO Strategy Techniques For Increasing The Traffic | Webmaster Tools

We'll discuss using Webmaster Central as our mock company, hopefully, to draw similarities to your own situation. Next, we'll talk about building an SEO strategy. This is a multipart process. We'll cover the steps to understanding the searcher persona workflow, determining company and website goals, auditing your site to best reach your audience, and executing and making improvements. Our discussion will end with overcoming obstacles.
SEO Strategy Techniques For Increasing The Traffic

SEO Strategy Techniques For Increasing The Traffic

For the purpose of this Article, I'll act as the SEO for the company of Google Webmaster Central. This make-believe company includes the components of Webmaster Central at

As an SEO for the company, I'll pretend that I'm in charge of the website, the Google Webmaster Central blog. Our blog gives the latest tips and information. But our company's flagship product is called Google Webmaster Tools. When webmasters verify ownership of their site in Webmaster Tools, it's great because we then have a two-way communication channel with them about their site. Our company has community engagement through the Webmaster Forum, helpful support articles in our Webmaster Help Center, and a rich media experience through videos in our Google Webmasters YouTube channel.

Pretend SEO for Webmaster Central Blog

Pretend SEO for Webmaster Central Blog
Pretend SEO for Webmaster Central Blog

Once again, here's a snapshot of my company, Google Webmaster Central, and how various components currently reference one another. I'm going to pretend to be the SEO, managing the Webmaster Central blog.
Your company and your situation
Your company and your situation
Your company and your situation will obviously look different. For example, you might be an SEO just like me. But perhaps rather than a discussion forum, your business has a social media presence. Try diagramming all of your company's components and how they currently interact, link and reference one another. Imagine how users from one component might be able to reach another component, and how making a conversion might be possible. Once you're set to the components of your business.

Creating an SEO Strategy

Creating an SEO Strategy
Creating an SEO Strategy
Step one in building an SEO strategy. To do so, we'll discuss the searcher persona workflow. This diagram, as well as a deep dive into the searcher persona workflow, is given by Vanessa Fox in her book "Marketing in the Age of Google." You'll notice that the main steps to conversion don't stop at search rankings but go on to include the content and experience on the site. The process starts with a search and the user's query.

Next, after the user enters a query, the ranking and display of your site comes into play. If the searcher selects your site and results, then comes the next step-page content or making sure that your page is relevant to their query.

Capture Workflow For Various Searcher Personas

Capture Workflow For Various Searcher Personas
Capture Workflow For Various Searcher Personas
The last step in the workflow is conversion. Of course, not every searcher will complete this entire workflow. For example, some searchers may be performing informational queries to research before making a later purchase. However, by making sure your site captures the workflow for various searcher personas, your site will be prepared to capitalize when the customer is ready.

How Webmaster Tools Helps

How Webmaster Tools Helps
How Webmaster Tools Helps
Since many of our videos focus on Webmaster Tools, you might be asking, where does Webmaster Tools fit in with the searcher persona workflow? Webmaster Tools provides information that's especially pertinent to Optimizing the crawl, index and search results processes. Commonly, business departments more or less correspond to this searcher persona workflow. You could imagine that the Search stage, getting people to search for your company name or related products, could be considered a marketing or business development concern.

Business department responsibilities

Business department responsibilities
Business department responsibilities
When it comes to the Rank And Display stage, that might be the SEO. Then perhaps the SEO and writing team will be concerned with page content. And then the usability, user experience, and development team may be the only people to focus on conversion. For a large business, these roles are often divided into different teams. For a one-person shop, you may find yourself in all of these roles. However, when it comes to the searcher's experience, the roles and responsibilities should always be seamless.

Create seamless Searcher Workflow 

Create seamless Searcher Workflow
Create seamless Searcher Workflow
As an analogy, throughout my childhood I played hours and hours of soccer. Or for viewers outside the United States, football. A good lesson of soccer is that even though you have an assigned position on the field striker, sweeper etc. You and your teammates expect every player will move fluidly wherever and whenever they're needed. So the specific role or position of each player never limits their responsibilities to the team. To illustrate this point in your online strategy, let's take a look at teamwork. Your customer may come to your site from a search engine or social media site, follow a link to a new page, then to the home page, clicks around, and then converts. Now everyone can cheer. Essentially, company strategy is most effective when everyone prioritizes the big picture scoring and making a conversion.

Verify Component are Seamlessly Integrated

Verify Component are Seamlessly Integrated
Verify Component are Seamlessly Integrated
If you're the SEO, if you can encourage every employee to remember the big picture it's likely the size of the pie will increase. Getting back to my company, my Webmaster Central team will be most effective if we figure out a strategy to best serve users. For example, if a searcher comes to our blog, can they see how to subscribe to the blog if they're interested? Will they understand the benefit of subscribing Outside of the blog, if a user is watching a video on our YouTube channel that talks about Webmaster Tools, can they see how to sign up?

Once you have an understanding of the searcher persona workflow, as well as the general user's needs and how responsibilities are shared within a company, it's time to begin discussion about building an SEO strategy that's cohesive with your company's goals.

Company Goals

Company Goals
Company Goals

What's our overall business goal?
What can our company's product or service do that no one else can?
What's our value add?
What does success look like?
What components are involved?
How does our website uniquely play a role in this success?

As the pretend SEO at the company Google Webmaster Central, I meet with my entire webmaster support team. We may answer something similar to, what's our business goal?

Help all site owners.

What can our product or service do that no one else can?

Act as the official Google source of information.

What does success look like?

Increased webmaster community through higher participation in products and services.

What components are involved?

We have a diagram. It's the blog, Webmaster Tools, Help Center, discussion forum etc.

How does your website play a part in the success?

The Webmaster Central blog is unique because it provides the latest information and announcements for webmasters. This is different from our Help Center, which acts as a longstanding reference. The blog helps us quickly communicate breaking news. Another aspect that can be helpful in defining your company's business goals is understanding more about your competition. Questions like,

what do our online competitors do well?

What are they missing?

And if we were to fill that gap, is there a strong enough market need?

There are always many exciting directions to take a company. But be careful to only spend time creating features or experiences that will differentiate your company in a way that users really care about. With business goals set, a clear picture of your website's part in the success, a sense of the market needs and your competition, it's time to think about metrics. If I were to create metrics
for the Webmaster Central blog, I first look at our business goals and then create metrics for my website accordingly. Take the company goal to increase webmaster community. Given this company goal, we might look at metrics like increasing the number of unique users who visit the blog, such as their page views. This could come through search, from referrals, or from direct traffic. We might also look at the metric of subscribers.

Next, let's put the knowledge of your audience to work. With an understanding of the searcher persona workflow, company goals and metrics defined, start finding improvements by auditing your site to check for content and a user experience that's focused on meeting your customer's needs. Information from this step starts to feed your ideas as you shape and iterate on your SEO strategy.
Your audit might begin with,

what groups are we targeting?

Where are they located?

What devices are they using?

Search queries and Webmaster Tools provide some of this data.

You can see that in the last three months, many of the Webmaster Central blog leaders have come from Canada and New Zealand. What are their objectives?

Do any or some of their objectives match why our company is special? Do their query terms match our content?

To answer some of these questions, you can check out the Search Queries and Content Keywords features in Webmaster Tools, as well as other helpful products you may know about. For example, in our site audit we may notice that much of our content uses the phrase "search friendly," as in, building a search-friendly website.

By using the Search Queries feature in Webmaster Tools, however, we can see that "search friendly" isn't even a query term we've ranked for in the last three months. Being the pretend SEO for the Webmaster Central blog, my site audit reveals that we often mention phrases like "search friendly." Even if that makes sense to us, to searchers that language rarely enters their mind. So with this data I might suggest to the team, let's continue to write valuable content but also start naturally incorporating the keywords that our potential visitors actually search for. The last stage in building an SEO and online strategy is to execute. Make improvements, track metrics, and iterate. With business goals defined as well as high-level SEO goals, I might start to execute the content and user experience improvements I discovered during my site audit. In our make-believe situation, I might talk to our marketing and tech writing teams about using more of the language of searchers, rather than only the terms most familiar to us, like "search friendly." I might also begin to consider more blog posts that mention issues especially relevant to our readers in Canada or New Zealand, since our audit revealed that many searchers come from those locations. As I execute ideas, I'll continue to track metrics. And I'll always need to keep in mind my company's goal to increase the webmaster community.

When it comes to implementing an SEO strategy and improving a site for searchers, Webmaster Tools can help us monitor and optimize our site for crawling, indexing, and search results. Although it may be tempting to focus solely on rankings, we'd be missing valuable opportunities if we disregarded the user in searcher persona workflow. Rankings could stay as is, but if we could increase the search volume through better marketing, that could lead to a larger percentage of visitors to our site and possibly more conversions. Or perhaps our content team produces excellent material that allows us to upsell even more products to each visitor. For example, really great content on our blog could drive more subscriptions. Or if our development, user experience, and usability teams made our site an enjoyable destination, that experience could bring referrals and repeat customers.
Again, we can meet our business goals without focusing on the traditional role of SEO.

Essentially, all steps in the searcher persona workflow can be optimized. Effort in each step and perhaps by each team is crucial to making your company's goals a reality. Finally, I often hear about the obstacles many SEOs face. Yes, there are obstacles, and they can make executing an online strategy difficult. For example, I can't implement a strategy. I'm not the person responsible for all of this. I just run department X. I need to know the keywords my competitor is targeting. I need to know what sites are linking to my competitor before I know who to target. Is my competition planning to have a social media presence?

Search engine algorithms change so much, I can't keep up If you've encountered these obstacles, you're certainly not alone. And realistically, just as when you played a sport or entered a contest, you're not going to perfectly understand every variable before you begin. Remember though, that with your initiative in educating yourself and your current knowledge of the SEO fundamentals, you're likely in a great place to get started on your strategy. In fact, you might be the best leader for your company to get the job done. So I say go for it. Understand the searcher persona workflow and create an integrated strategy inclusive of all components. Determine goals, define metrics. Audit your site to best reach your audience. Maximize existing search traffic by optimizing the crawl, index, and search results pipeline. And last, make sure the entire team works together to improve your online business. The entire workflow needs to be satisfying to the user and may require that all your teammates lend a hand. Thanks for your time.

How to create web page titles for SEO 2015

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create a web page titles for SEO

In this article session, I'm going to show you. How to create that perfect web page titles for Google ranking purposes. I want to target keywords and precisely as in online marketing and also online marketing for small business. So I want to stem D's additive piece here most of the information that, you will come across as far as creating your and titles for SEO purposes will tell you too. You know, keep repeating your keywords within the title of adoption. So they fall, I encourage you not to do that, meaning most people tell you to do. These options in you include that keyword and perhaps include the synonyms, but you know still repeat the keyword that's not how you create your titles because right near. We know the importance of keywords in the URL as, We've seen previously in your sections. So your titles must include the keywords take your time getting.

web page titles for SEO

                       web page titles for SEO

What I tend to do this I use Microsoft Word if you don't have Microsoft Word and that means you need to perhaps. You spend a bit more time for creating your page titles kept near Microsoft Word has this review option. Because I'm targeting these keywords, track. So I start writing a few different ones and I always divide my titles into two portions these are for short keywords that mean I won 23 perhaps forwards law because in 2014 Google's results page dynamically resizes the text. And so therefore if you stay maximum 50 character space thing you know a good was going to show that results page win you rank the or keywords. So, therefore, keep your titles, you know 50 characters max that's kind good enough these are for short keywords surely if you're pumping your other blog posts targeting long tail keywords dead. You will be limited as far as including that call to action isn't you know dividing your title into two portions is in the six amp, so for short keywords that allows you to communicate the keywords within 50 character space and also if he can include that called action that's much smarter.

If you're targeting long tail keywords then you have to you know cut your losses in a sense just included keywords that you're targeting which will be their long tail keyword tracked. So your the reason I can see you know how many characters are views as you can see up created a number just to give you samples, so I'm staying within 50 characters then INR that you were going to show the snare as you can see you know it by practice create really enticing titles because they are you to get that click-through rate as well as you know including your keywords for you rings but you should never think of titles is in just repeating keywords instead no that, when people is in your ideal customer search Google who's going to show many different results including yours that first page right so your ideal customer will quickly scan that page.

So therefore if you create your titles intelligently along these lines then this second portion of your title you know it should communicate call to action offer some sort of a value different because everyone else is just repeating the keywords this enough doing it along these lines but, when you follow this option then what will happen ease you will definitely you know logically increase your click-through rates which then, obviously is important for Google rankings anyway right so this is how you create your titles if you got word use it if not some other text editor knowing that the characters important isn't stay within 50 characters short keywords divided into two portions. You know you can use hyphens we can use that pipe symbol units above your Enter key on your keyboard. You can use that no problems if you using content management systems day tell you to do all that stuff anyway right so get his hair. We create out titles, not like this but I like these I think this jump to get better and I all also know that uncovering the keywords anyway right. So then he said to do this I think this is a much better title because it addresses. Your factors as well as jumping it might visit that, when they search Google so another one is Dez let's leave it at that and the other one I think this good enough in these examples right. So let's say the mall near at this stage you should now understand had to create your titles.

how your titles action look when Google will show your titles 

So let's not do that now I've got internet Sam brass open I'm using Firefox and of installed the Web Developer Toolbar right as you can see up got the Web Developer Toolbar happening near let me press on that same spec Dalits press on that as you can see it's going to bring this console for me. You know what I can do I've searched a.m. bugle with the keywords of interest to me and it's gone ahead and brought the results it's for me right saw down with that inspector Web Developer Toolbar. I can grab this a rocky and then lets ago into the second one. let me holler and that and that's a look at dates page 3 heading 38 press on their now that selected right you know what I can do I can see where that page 3 element is I can right click on it and say edit as HTML and when I do this console is going resize that this console will allow me to edit the contents within it as you can see that's what's Google showing currently right so that means state delete that whatever is within that page 3 Adam in-state. Let me go and grab my own tightly copy it and control and price in India near if I was today and click Edit as you can see near my title is the day, but as you can see it's black color right so let me grab the inspector isn't great that and error let me go into debt and see on the right-hand side what color is that and hyperlinks. Let me you ought to a element because that's where the colors Halfpenny as you can see that's the color let me copy that let me go back into my own title let me then go inside that and edit HTML at me then to restore wild equals quote call and then just say color up and from the hash and then case that color called just one hashtag and let me same column that come here right now let me press outside and as you can see look what happened there I can now close this inspector now I can actually see exactly have my title will look when someone searches this and as you can see if you look very carefully you know just imagine your ideal customer searching your keywords and your website is showing that first page but if you look carefully you know if you construct your titles intelligently.

It actually stands out from the rest potentially will be bolded as well like others so you can play around with it and get all that happening but you know it using this method with the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar. You can quickly and easily and modify the title any include yours and get a better idea is to you don't get that feeling is to how it's going to look at you know your potential customer when they visit they search Google they see and nail you actually have a better idea. how it's going to look all your ideal customer care so that's one trick that I'd like to share with you and I just near you can do the same thing with all your other and keyword in title creations its own in the next video session will come and include meta description I'm going show yet to do that but remember you can actually you know I find element that's firing the meta description and include yours so they for include your title include your your Allen may be lending package and also you know with this with this tweet you can actually include all your details to see exactly how it's going to look when people search thank you very much for learning with me.

Best Easys Ways To Make Money on Fiverr Online

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In my previous articles, I wrote about Best Fiverr SEO Gigs Optimization Tips To Attract Buyers with detail. First, you read previous article then after this article read because Optimization Tips Gigs is an important article of Fiverr.

Best Ways To Make Money on Fiverr

However, you want something with a quick turn around and so that's what this article is going to dress and the way you get that the quicker cash is going to hire someone to read an article or blog post for you. What second I do well for these articles or blog posts look at paper fifty dollars for a 500-word article so who pays this you wondering well lots of lets organizations are paying magazines. Newspapers are blogging that they are constantly looking for new content all the time and so they're willing to pay. You know fifty dollars for a 500-word article to get it done how does this work.

So there's going to be you paying a ghost writer basically five dollars. What they're going to do in return is given, your article or blog post will not endanger going to turn around to take that same article or blog post and send it off to an article publisher is going review it and once they accept it. They're going to send you a check for fifty Dollars. It's it's really quite fascinating how simple this really is OK.

So you paid five dollars you turn around can you sell that are that same article for fifty dollars, which means you are going to walk away with a net profit forty-five dollars. So I started a web browser and I'm now at and what I want you to do is go over to the writing in translation section see right, here's a click on this link and sent from here go to creative writing and scripting see link here reading this box panel screen. This is I'm going to show you and returned to you is a number provider that will do, I'm creative writing gigs for five dollars.

You can see there, they're listed here, but what we want to do is go and pick going high rated ones are going to sort by the ones at risk have received. The highest ratings from people that I purchased a service in the past. And so now we've got them ranked by com rating and just take a look right here real quick. And we're going to see, here's a provider he says I will write to high-quality essays a 500 word each any does that for five dollars them here's another one. I'll write your essay the same its research papers on any topic for five dollars. You can you all season, here's one. I'll write articles up to 500 words for five dollars, here's a guy that will write a 600-word article or two 300-words articles in English for five dollars and soul as you browse through here. You'll find. They're people willing to do this ghost writing for in there the right articles. You don't have to write them, I'll be a ghost writer I'll write two unique articles. I will write original articles, blog post reviews I to rate your research projects your essays your academic reports.

And so each of these is for five dollars some of them offer more than one article, here we see this guy as I mentioned earlier, it has to 300-word articles but you can go through sheer and see. Which one of these providers. I'm kind matches. What you're looking for and I'll also have samples out there reading as in getting an idea, but their style is how good is the English their grammar things of that nature about. What we did is memory came into writing & translation creative writing and scripting and then. We sorted by highest rating sold, this is on and this is where you're going to get some people to write articles and blog posts for you so you don't have to do it and you're only going to spend five dollars. Which companies pay well here's a list of some companies that that pay if you want, you can do a google search.

You'll find plenty of others, but your son that I just want to bring out I looked up first that dollar stretcher 500-word article page fifty dollars right. They're going to pay you to write about money or food and groceries. I'll home in auto lifestyle baby family family-based articles things of that nature Mitchell parent. They're looking for articles about parenting whether. Its low-cost products and services that are nearby fun things to do with your kids up food and diet how to get your kids to eat healthier parenting guide helped tips anything of that nature. I'm writer day right about just about anything.  You can think of they have bloggers and newspapers and magazines time to them all the time asking for articles on any topic. You can think of, so that's a good place to go to as well as does bloggers now they're specifically looking for blog posts and home.

So you can go there if your journey which happens to be harmed a topic that what somebody's blog focus on that a great resource for you to tap into and get paid from on a regular basis. So I put in my browser over to the first company in the list. We can see information about the writer's guidelines. So these are the rules that you need to follow the directions rules. You need to follow, when submitting an article two-dollar stretcher and they talk a little bit about who they are things to avoid. I'm here we seek compensation me know the payment is iterative 10 said 10 cents per published work. They're typically they're buying all the rights to it. They were articles up to 800 words in length, but typically the use articles that are between 500 and 700 words and they talk about how to submit your work.

So forth alright so you're going to find writer's guidelines our submission guidelines for each these websites that, it's in the list so make sure you the breeder will quickly. They're pretty much standard, but just read through it makes. You get all the details so you can get paid. So your next steps visit the company Web site that pays for articles and take a look at their submission guidelines find out what they want their writers to do article that they're interested in is there going to tell you what topics are interesting to them. They're going to tell you how many words. They want and they're going to tell you how to format the articles basically. You know the straightforward, simple text that they want they don't want a lot of formattings. So make really keep it simple and then you register as an author or a writer and then you start submitting your articles.

I am next visit I read a calm and if you're not registered as a user get registered as a user and browse the gigs like I showed you that are offered by the writers there to find someone that seem suitable for you know Article Search thinking about having written. Thanks for reading, be sure to click on the share button below to see more articles, make a plan to take action on their plan it start living your dream.

Best Fiverr SEO Gigs Optimization Tips To Attract Buyers

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How to do Fiverr SEO optimization

Fiverr is a very fast marketplace. There's a lot of service providers that can not do service for your for prices as low as five dollars so if you would like to use it for SEO, you just have to keep in mind that it's a very vast marketplace that personally, I would not use it for white hat SEO, because these services that they provide are very generic and they're usually low quality. what will be seeing on a are jobs, or  what they call gigs, like a providing you with a whole bunch of social bookmarking links.
                How to do Fiverr SEO optimization
                               How to do Fiverr SEO optimization
This is like one of the most popular gigs that there is, which promised that you will get some positive for SEO results from that they also promise of a vast amount of links. But the things that we have to keep in mind is that most of the time and i would say 99% of the time, when they promise you a very big quantity of links which are coming from social bookmarking sites or from forums and blog post and blog commenting are autos generated comments. there are auto-generated links, so those are the things that you should be basically avoiding when you're doing the SEO. There are tools, for example that they're going to use like Xrumer which is a Russian hack tool, which is going to be going on different forms and just spamming the hell out of it. They're even going to provide you with a nice, clean report of where the links are situated.

They will tell you things like, so we're creating a bunch of links to these forms. There is going to be what they call blasts, We were blasting out 25000 differents links across all of these forms. Then what we're doing is for each of those 25,000 links actually going to social bookmark the places where these links appear. For you as a consumer, you're looking at it, you're saying, this is amazing. All of this for only five dollars. But the thing is that, they have servers which are constantly running. which are constantly spanning the web and the results that you get at the end of the day are actually not that great.
What some people do is they, when they're doing SEO services, which are low quality is they will go on Fiverr, they will get all of these gigs done and then they will show it to their client, saying that listen, this is result that we've got. If you're speaking about onsite SEO, I've actually some decent service providers. So what they do is, they write articles for you on your website, article which cannot be considered link beat, So it's not something that you will see coming out of the New York Times, But it's decent content. It's something that you can actually put on your website. If you want some quick 350-word articles. You can use it for that, But as always, if you're dealing in the marketplace. Whatever you may have like, Odesk or any other a place where are service providers, look at the reviews, look at what the people are saying and just use common sense. If someone gives you 25000 links for 5$ are they really going to be good links.

How To Add Facemoods Emoticons in Blogger Comments

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In this article, I have learned about the Google+ facemoods comment system. Beneficial for the user and reader engagement of your Blogger blog for increase ranking. Since they increase user and reader with your blog account too attracts.

Facemoods Emoticons in Your Blogger Comments

It will allow your  Blogger user to express their feelings and mood with your articles. So you some need to follow my this steps.

How to add facemood emoticons

1. First of follow you have to log in to your Blogger blog account.

2. After this, press template button from the left-hand menu to proceed further.

3. Don’t forget to take the backup of your Blogger template.

4. Now press Edit HTML button to modify your Blogger template.

Click anywhere in template and editor and press Ctrl+F to find the code

<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

And add this code after this line

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <div style=' width: 450px; text-align: left; border: 1px dashed #0084ce; background: transparent; padding: 10px; color:#000000; font-weight:bold; '> <img border='0' src=''/> :a &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :b &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :c &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :d &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :e &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :f &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :g &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :h &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :i &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :j &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :k &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :l &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :m &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :n &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :o &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :p &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :q &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :r &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :s &#160; <img border='0' src=''/> :t   <a href='' style='color: rgb(30, 122, 183); font-size: x-small;'>Add smileys to Blogger + </a> </div></b:if>

After this search for


And place this line above </body> tag.

<script type='text/javascript' src=" emoticons threaded.js"/>

After this, click on Save template button and save your template modification for facemood emoticons.


I can say that this best method addition of facemood emoticons to your Blogger blog comments is the soup up way to interact users with your blog. You just some need to follow the above some this method and enjoy this amazing feature.

BEST SEO Tips And Tricks Techniques Tutorials 2015

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SEO Tips And Tricks Techniques Tutorials 2015

This article is a free guide that provides SEO Training and SEO tutorial and information about What is SEO, On page SEO.  It is a best SEO article which covers a wide area of search engine optimization in India. Search engine optimization is all about so that you can create more profitable online business for yourself and also see greater results utilizing you now when we think of SEO first thing we need to start to understand is our potential customers and the keywords they will be using when they are searching Google for the products and services on your website.
SEO tutorial
SEO tutorial

Now let's say if I was to target "SEO tutorials for beginners" by doing proper keyword research it may be more intelligent for me to then target perhaps this keyword "SEO tutorials for Beginners 2014" because when I do not only I will be able to arrange SEO tutorials for beginners as a keyword, but I can also rank SEO tutorials for beginners 2014 I can also rank SEO tutorials by itself, meaning there are always better ways for you to target keywords and that's exactly what I've done have to target keyword properly.

SEO tutorials for beginners 2014
SEO tutorials for beginners 2014

Google Webmaster Tools

SEO learning would be for you to create a Google Webmaster Tools account it is very important if you're running an online business and have a website obviously then you need to create this account because it will allow you to add your site easily so Google is aware of it, also you can add a sitemap XML if you don't know what that is don't worry because there are many online tools which quickly allow you to create sitemaps all you have to do is place your URL and then press the button and it'll create it for you I really like this particular URL but there are many online sitemap generators now having a Google Webmaster Tools account allows you to see how Google sees your website okay in also functionality as to suggest HTML improvements or see if any errors are happening on your website therefore it is only intelligent for you to create this account if you're beginning to learn search engine optimization.
Google Webmaster Tools
Google Webmaster Tools
let's imagine this green box as your entire website if that's the case obviously you gonna web pages different ones you gonna you will have files products and services and so on images and so on if that's the case for you to really make your Google ranking easy what you need to be thinking about is structuring your entire web site in logical order have your most important web page at root of your website also a place your images in different folders intelligently place your PDF files or other files in different folders and let's imagine that you know where running an online business and we're selling computer parts for example taking that as an example then having my most important web pages will be close to my root domain root folder but then having folders intelligently and logically as to what if I create a folder name it laptop or laptops and then what if I name another folder name it CPU's within the laptop folder what if I have Asus laptops or Asus or Acer and name those keywords as my page name right and then in the CPU folder what if I have AMD dot HTML or AMD dot PHP and so on and have another web page and name it Intel dot PHP and so on as you can see structuring your entire website logical order only helps Google to understand your entire websites Theme you're not limited to having just one folder structure you can go deeper and have different folder structures and that will depend on the online business that you're in at the end of the day creating your entire website having naming the structure properly will only allow you to easily rank your keywords.
search engine optimization
search engine optimization

SEO on page optimization

Now the next part for your keyword ranking SEO on page optimization now there is a lot of information as far as search engine optimization is concerned but I will tell you SEO is very easy whether you're a beginner or whether you're in advanced online marketer so to speak the fundamentals of SEO do not change having your web pages with the keywords that you're targeting is extremely important because Google looks at things like that I'm not gonna say to you oh having page names with keywords is more important than your image names or your navigation structure everything works together therefore once you determine the keywords that you want to rank create your web pages with those keywords in name itself second part of your own page search engine optimization is your web page title you wouldn't buy a book with no title or name or chapters in it right so therefore when you think of titles have your keywords in your titles but utilize your titles in such way that when people search Google and Google shows your web page details on the first page when people search then if you utilize your titles people see that right but if you communicate within your title what will happen is you will increase your click-through rate when you do even though you are on the third position just because you have utilized your title properly Google will automatically in very short time move you up from the third position to first position because you're getting more click throughs is part of SEO as well okay so have your keywords in your title also communicate effectively for higher click-through rates and having Google Webmaster Tools account actually shows you how people and see your web pages in Google search result so learning how to play around with Google Webmaster Tools account and all the options only helps your own you rankings.
on page optimization
on page optimization

meta description

your meta description is only visible to search engines, therefore, have your keywords within it all while explaining what your entire web pages is all about surely this is an example and you gonna be targeting different keywords but once again fundamentals of SEO do not change so therefore having your on-page SEO elements in place will only increase your own rankings right so having navigation structure is very important not only for Google rankings but also user experience people come to your website to find an answer to their questions if that's the case what you wanna do is you wanna make their searching for finding answers easy and having clear navigation structure. it's on top on the left-hand side or right-hand side sidebar and so on having it clearly visible only helps your own Google rankings utilize navigation with having links that mention your keywords within it surely don't go berserk or overboard.

You know if you have a contact us page name it as contact us dot PHP and so on but utilizing menu structure in a smart way will only help your own rankings and other part of on-page SEO is heading tags heading tags are very important not only for Google because it sends a strong signal to Google as to allowing Google to understand what your web page is all about but also when people come to your website the first eyeful is very important so therefore if you can utilize heading in the first eyeful while having your keywords within your heading tags and also communicating effectively so that you kept your potential customers attention only helps your ranking right because at the end of the day you want to bring people to your website your web pages but then you want people to read through your offer your message and heading tags help you do that and also help your rankings so therefore utilize that and have your keywords within it while communicating your potential customers wants and needs so that they can then go and read your web copy within your web copy you need to include your keywords when you do so you have to make sure that your web copy is like sharp and communicates effectively one on one with your potential customers, therefore, when you do your keyword research you. you get to understand your potential customers right so then when you create your web copy make your keywords flow within your web copy and do so intelligently okay naming your images and optimizing your images alt attributes and so on is very easy I have article tutorial that explains how to do that but once again it is very important for your own page search engine optimization, therefore, utilize images as well present your web pages in such way that people spend time staying on your web pages.

So web copy-writing means include your keywords within your copy and do so intelligently meaning you don't just have to you know if you'retargeting let's say this keyword SEO tutorials for beginners 2014 what you can do is find related terms in this example search engine optimization is another word for it SEO so therefore I utilize that instead of saying finding SEO tutorials online and then when the SEO field is like soon so what I'm trying to say to you choose keywords but also mention related terms because not only Google will rank the keywords that you'retargeting you will also be able to rank related terms as well in this example I have lessons as you can see here that is closely related to tutorials therefore if I was to create a web page along these lines then my web copy doesn't sound vague because I keep repeating the keywords so basically include your keywords within your copy but do so intelligent intelligently without breaking your web communication each web page on your entire website needs to be unique and optimized individually regardless of how many different web pages products and services.

 You're offering and so on another part is internal linking structure internal linking structure means how you internally link your web pages together it is through your navigation structure linking to other pages whether it is links to your internal links they need to be done intelligently especially with the keywords that you'retargeting to link your web pages intelligently but at the end of the day present your web copy smart in such way that you bring people and let them consume your web copy and then press on your call actions and then they do to your other pages and products or checkout shopping cart and so on and then they fulfill your called action so you interlink your entire website intelligently because actually helps your SEO as well as user experience coupled with higher conversion rates because conversion rates is part of SEO so once again SEO tutorials for beginners as you have seen this article session it is very easy to search engine optimize your website I'd like to thank you very much for your visit.

What is SEO how does it work

Seo is your ability to attract potential customers using google and other websites to bring them to your website so and at its basic level that's what SEO is all about now how you do that is frist of all you determine the keyword your potential customers will use when they search google and that is done through keyword research you know your online business. You know the website that your online business is in If that's the case is not good enough to simply have a website and showcase about us page or home page and here's our products and so on what is search engine optimization is your ability to bring those potential customers by targeting keywords that is related to your online industry so then many people you know when they start creating videos or talking about SEO they trying to sell you an idea as to SEO is apparently secret that only a few people know  and so on right and because most SEO experts and SEO service providers don't fully understand the world wide web standards because and its core that's what google does it looks at the web standards which W3 org puts out online right so at its core you know your websites are designed with good design principles  or it adheres to you know you have sitemaps in place.

 Title tags And Heading tags

 you create metadata which is your meta description and title tags, heading tags and your content which is critical for your online success is surely going to be textually rich so to speak so once again content in that sense means you placing your keywords in all right places because Google looks at that so when hear the term. SEO and search engine optimization don't look at as to say to yourself or you know I have to learn all this stuff and so on you know let's say if you're using content management systems. You designed your website using templates and so on most often everything will be place anyway right so them if we look at this slide see the way the google works is googled you know it's a business right at its core google is a business just like your business and all the other business but at the end of the day. It's a computer program that you're dealing with when you're dealing with technology that fuels and fires your website well if that's the case how would google be able to determine you know what some searches google someone by typing in keywords then how is google going to determine. If your website is relevant and if should show your website in its result set well it does that by looking at your web pages name your title you meta description heading tags your texts on your web page your images and the links that you have on your menu structure and all your web pages you need to understand when you think of SEO basically doing all the right things, not Google. So to speak but having the standards in place in creating proper web pages that addresses the needs of your potential customers  now if we then have a look at this slide here the way that you can take full advantage of google is that once you create your web pages probably having all the right things in place which are pretty basic really and if we delete that and If I then show you well this is your web pages for instance and then let's say you have another web page or another web pages.

when we look at google and see then what google does once again it looks at web pages whether it is your home pages whether it is your about us pages Whether its your contact page whether it is the page  that is on youtube whether it's a page that is on facebook and so google follow and hyperlinks that's what it does it looks at internet in its entirety any does that with technology that user and it is at the end of the day the best technology on internet right so when you look it your online business and your web pages it isn't just good enough to simply have everything in place and just leave it at that because to be able to complete with your competitors for the keywords that you will be targeting what that means is you need to be able to get links pointing to your web pages now a lot of people because they don't understand search engine optimization. They will tell you that just go out and just get 100 backlinks pointing to your website because apparently google looks at that is a vote that's like really stupid information and if you simply focus on thing like that you're not going to get anywhere online because when you think of google and so then backlinks are important in a sense where you get your backlink from and the timing of the way you get your backlinks that becomes critical.

google analytics

let me simply close this and open up internet browser now a lot of people will tell you that google keeps changing its algorithms and guidelines and so on well that's actually not true I've been looking at google webmaster guidelines for year now and i can tell you confidently that google guidelines haven't been changed in years in the sense that they have some spelling mistakes that they have the same spelling mistakes for years now what I'm trying to tell you is so at guidelines now if you then go and read about google guidelines you may get overwhelmed and confused meaning your content should be done properly Design principles you know user interaction principle should be in place this is my web page so that means if someone comes you know targeting I'm targeting this keyword for example then if someone comes to this page what i need to able to answer search query that they've typed in google for you to get ahead online and create successful online business for yourself you must understand that when you select keywords in target them what you're really doing is you are providing an answer to a question because when people search google that's what they do you know ask yourself when you search google looks at the habits that you have whether you looked for a product or a service you know did how did you go about it you typed in some search terms in google looked at the result sets and then what you've done whether you found the information that you were looking for or not you come back and done another search so that's what everyone else is doing as well but you know just think of websites that when you visited you really liked it not so much because of its design but because of its communication procedures so to speak so what I'm saying to you is when you create your web pages and when you think of SEO then you need to be on you know thinking. I'm targeting certain keywords and I have all my good web design principles in place by having page names and titles and so on but then if your web pages lack content in the sense that it doesn't address the reason that people come to your website then there is no point in you know being in the first position in google because having great content is part of SEO as well google looks at many different things and one of the ranking signals is you know how long do people stay on your web pages so that when you create everything in place and present your products and services in a consumable. consumable way the that is easy for your potential customers to read through and consume because then google keeps a track of that as well is whether you're creating your website from scratch or whether you're using content management systems like this particular website I'm using WordPress here on this web pages as well. you may be thinking well google is a search engine yes it is a search engine but at the end of the day google is a business and it is in advertising business they make a lot of profits by allowing online website owner to quickly reach google searchers and also if do then create great content with having the web standards in place and if you're running Adwords what will happen is because you understood so probably you will actually start paying less for your advertising budgets so to speak meaning SEO and Adwords are intertwined they work together anyway so if you have a website and online business selling product or services you must adhere to good web design principles by having great content that addresses the search query of your visitors and another thing google analytics this is enterprise level analytics if you have a website.

you know that you have log files that you can look at but if you don't have google analytics installed it's free for you to do very easy to install and create account the reason that i say google analytics is part of so is because analytics allow you to see the touch points of your visitors interacting with your website and by looking at you can make improvement for your online business cause when you do that increase your conversions because I've in this SEO game for many years. I will tell you for a fact that SEO entails having great content by adhering to good web design principles analyzing how people are interacting with your website so that you can improve it and at end of the day the next area that you can then focus on to rank your keyword is backlinks. Backlinks are there are much information online and I promise you that if you follow 99% of the information online about backlinks you will not get anywhere online you will, in fact, damage your online business.

What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising 2015

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What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising

There are a lot of people out there that aren't too sure or familiar with the different kinds of advertising that you can do on the Internet, and paid search is one of them. The first thing that we're going to go through, it may seem simple to some people, but the difference between where paid ads and organic search results difference Imagine this is your web page. You've done a search on Google for greenhouses. Here and here are actually the sponsor paid advertisements. In this centerpiece here, you've got your organic listings. The bits I'm going to be talking about today, I'm just going to purely be focusing on the paid advertising.
What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising

What is Best Pay Per Click Advertising

There are three major players in terms of PPC advertising

You've got Google, you've got Yahoo! and you've got Bing, which most people are going to be familiar with. Each of these search engines has got their own platform to run PPC campaigns from. So by Google, you've got Google AdWords, which is going to be by far the most predominant platform and search engine used by paid advertisers. Following this, you've got Yahoo! And Bing. They have recently merged together, so all of the search results that you're seeing on Bing and Yahoo! Are driven by the Bing results, and you've got two sets of results that are exactly the same on two different search engines.
pay-per-click advertising
pay-per-click advertising
Following on from this, I'm just going to take this off of the board, and I want to talk to you a bit about how a campaign should typically be structured. We see so many campaigns coming here and PPC accounts coming in that are not set up in a structured and formal way that the campaign in going to work. Getting that right, I think is key and one of the fundamental things we want to go through today.

Up here we've got our account. Whether that is with Bing, whether that's with Yahoo! or whether that's with Google, you've got your account here. Below that, you're going to have your campaigns. Now the best thing to look at a campaign as Yes, if you've got a different service or a different product, you should have a different campaign for each of those. Underneath your campaign, you've then got what's called ad groups. Now within a campaign, I would expect to see multiple ad groups all containing different keywords. So within the ad groups, we then got our keywords.

Now the reason I'm saying to structure a campaign like this is you've got your campaign at the top, ad groups underneath that all contain keywords. You think of an ad group like a house. So you've got all of your different keywords as little people that go inside the house. Now what you're looking to do, so say if we're taking a chocolate manufacturer who wants to sell chocolate bars online, you might have Twix, Bounty, Galaxy, Milky Ways, whatever. If you were to have all of those keywords in one ad group, the ad text that you are going to write is never Going to be relevant to all three or four of those chocolate bars.

So what you're aiming to do is to select keywords that are really closely themed with each other and place them within a group. We've got our keywords. So now let's move on to add text. Within an ad group, you've got your ad text. Ad text should closely match the keywords that you've got within that ad group. Let's say we are selling Twix chocolate bars. If you've got all you Twix variations of keywords
in that one group, you can then have ad text that is something along the lines of, "Buy Twix online.

Great deals at online prices. Twix bars are delicious." Link it through to your Twix page. If you had all of your different keywords that were in all different chocolate bars within that one ad group, that ad text is never going to marry up to all of those keywords and is never going to be relevant.

Moving on from the keywords and ad texts, that's what we've covered so far, the next thing I want to talk about is your negative keywords, which are missing on so many occasions by lots of different campaigns that we've seen. So you've got your negative keywords. These are keywords that should basically counteract anything that you don't want your ads to show for. There are going to be a lot of people online that might be searching for free chocolate online, free Twix online. Putting Free as a negative keyword into your campaign level keywords is going to stop Any ads appearing if anyone is searching for anything with the phrase free within it. So that's your negatives.

The next thing that you want to look at and pay attention to when you're creating an account is your budget that you want to set. Now the budget is set at the campaign level. It's a daily budget that you can allocate, and that should be something that you can afford to pay on a daily basis. Following that, you then want to set your keywords or ad group bids. These are called maximum CPCs, and these are going to tell the search engines what you're willing to pay per click. So don't over inflate these and don't put a really low CPC in there because your ads aren't Going to be shown. Now that covers the basic campaign structure. I have written a blog post that is going to go alongside this article, so do check that out. We've got diagrams and stuff in there that should help you structure your campaign accordingly.

The final thing I want to go through is the importance of measuring the success of your PPC campaign. AdWords, Yahoo!, MSN adCenter, they've all got similar functionality and they all measure the same elements of a PPC campaign. These are your clicks, so how much traffic you are each of your ads and keywords. Impressions are how many times your ad is displayed within the search results. You've got your click-through rate, your CTR, which is essentially your clicks Divided by your impressions. Anything above 5% is deemed a good click-through Rate, so that is something to aim for. Following that you've got your spend. Spend is something that you really want to keep track of. You don't want to be spending over and above. You want to make sure that your PPC campaigns are converting and generating a healthy ROI for you. Otherwise, there is no point in running them.

Next up in tracking you've got your conversions. All three platforms allow you to put a piece of code on your conversion page so you can see which keywords are actually generating a conversion for you, so another really important measurable here. Following that you've got your conversion rate, which is, again, essentially your conversions divided by the number of clicks. So how many clicks is it taking you to convert a lead or a sale or a purchase?

Finally we've got the cost per conversion, which is again something that is really an important factor to look at when you're managing your PPC campaign, because you don't want your cost per conversion to be more than what you're actually paying for that item or that service in the first place. That's it from me. Like I said, there is a blog post that is going to be going live with this video as well, so do check that out. If you've got any questions or want some further information, follow us on Twitter, like us, on Facebook, or sign up to our blog. Thanks very much.

How To Rank Your YouTube Videos on Google First Page 2015

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You're looking to rank your videos are improving your search engine rankings all having an uncanny psychic ability to know what your viewers are looking for then stay tuned because this article is for you.

Get on First Page of Google YouTube Video Rank 2015

The first time possibly the most important step ranking your videos in the search engines and especially ranking your videos in Google and ranking them on YouTube and which will give you an uncanny psychic ability to know exactly what your viewers are looking for now millions are video are uploaded to YouTube every day they're uploaded for fun and entertainment and it's mostly for pleasure but what if you want to be a YouTube success or more important.

If you using video marketing to drive leads and prospects to your website or your store now you need to a know exactly. What your potential customers are looking for, so you can create a video for them and then be right that video in the search engines, so that they can find you now you can achieve the second one and possibly the most vital step all the first one all in one go so how do you do this good keyword research keyword research gives you an inside look into what people are looking for and then armed with that knowledge. You can then create videos around those keywords and topics. You see the keywords property threat. Your videos or rank your videos better in the search engine rankings help. You leap over your competition and get more business and customers from your video marketing efforts. Now, since I cud psychically project the Internet onto the camera or not at the moment I'm going to go over to my computer.

I'm going to do some keyword research. So we can see what customers are looking for and then you can take that and then use that to improve your search engine ranking. We are in Google keyword to school and for the sake of this demonstration of going to use the keyword term the search term San Diego roofing contractor roofing contractor San Diego so make sure that the in the right area. So there we go States languages all click on Search so if we look down. It has given us if go to cure ideas we have 800 keywords that Google is giving us back now we can bring that down dramatic by just making sure that hires got San Diego and the term as stay even and let's leave it at that sup. We got Sunday going to turn so that gives are 139 keywords. Let's just make dishonored items. So we can see roofing, San Diego, San Diego roofing, roofing contractor San Diego a roofing company San Diego general contractor. So we've got general contractors a lot of that in there so let's just go through and see hot the monthly searches it are so eager construction San Diego let scroll down to find something in roofing.

So here we go we've got some Diego roof and roof San Diego now follow this may actually be is for a club called roof in San Diego I suppose to some be looking for a roof in San Diego so you could look at trying to write for this key term but you may end up going up to a couple rooftop clubs in San Diego. So let scroll down and find some other words he got so that the roofing, San Diego roofing in San Diego and San Diego roofing there are top terms 4400 now since they have all the same number, it looks like Google is appalling these altogether and combining them with one search so you can if it's Scott roofing in San Diego roofing in San Diego are Sonya roofing. When somebody searching for that term are any of those three terms, it looks like Google is actually piling them all together, but that doesn't mean to say that we can't use olives these three in our videos so that scrolled down San Diego AC home improvement got hers your improvement cutters rain gutters SRU for in San Diego there we go we've got three combined again a scroll down there should be a few more here roofers in San Diego me go roofing companies San Diego roofing companies and again it looks like that these results are combined for the Sun again they're all approximate.

We can get up-to-date accurate data from Google. So but these are just good enough for us to go with San Diego pain to you go San Diego roof repair refer her San Diego roof repair San Diego. So we've got fourteen there let sisters anymore roofing contractors roofing San Diego CA San Diego roofing contractors roofing companies in San Diego it got that one as well so that gives us18 terms and again there's probably a lot of these other bunched together by Google but that doesn't matter we can use these terms. So rather than going through the whole thing I'm going to just take these so archtop terms are roofing San Diego I roofing in San Diego and San Diego roofing so we can use these and then combine these with another keyword down here for the titles are a video so these are the key words that people are looking for and that Google recognizes are for hot. We're after so now we've got inside the almost inside the mind of the person who is searching we can take this and then give it to them so that they get hot they're looking for so far you could have is something along the lines of son Diego roofing best roofer in San Diego so there's a title that against people an idea of what you're about and you're combining two keywords in your title so not only are you getting in your main keyword tightly get that gets 4400 terms here but you're also getting another one that gets 590 so around 600 as well. So you can get approximately up to about 5,000 or so potential searches a month for that key term so we take one of our Terms. We use that with another one so that we're getting a very keyword rich title put it into something that is understandable for the person doing the search and then take that and then once we have a term that is understandable in the title Robin coming up with some sort of a league.

You use that term as a first-line all your description or in the first paragraph or your description and then use the same terms throughout your description as well and then put those keyword terms in your tags as well. You get quite a lot of space for your types so put in as many times as you can in there so now that you know what people are searching for you then use that in your titles you definitely have to having a titles which will get your ranking up considerably for your videos in Google and also in YouTube now one thing that you can do as well is just go to Google and put ain't your keyword term in this case I got in roofing in San Diego go to the bottom and look for the relevant searches related to roofing in San Diego so here we have best roofing San Diego which we don't have in our keyword terms which we did come up with in our title San Diego roofers reviews we have extreme roofing San Diego now whether that's a new sport or not I don't know it probably be the name of the company. I let's go to roofing.

let's just change that let's go to roofing. San Diego and see what the related terms at the bottom here so here we go roofing San Diego CA I do believe that's one other term that we got residential roofing now that's one that didn't come up before and also asphalt roofing so those are two key terms that did not come up in are a search for for and also best roofing company San Diego and here's another one metal roofing supplies now it's metal roofing supplies. We did see metal roofing, but you could have metal roofing company. San Diego and here we have San Diego roofers reviews. Which we saw before and here's another one commercial roofing and so if that doesn't come up you can definitely part then, you need to have these in your description as well and also in your tags because these are related words to the titles that you have in your video I had if Google is telling you that these are related then it understands up when you put the main you're more related than videos that don't have the minute so there you go you have an almost a professor X ability to look into customers my sissy what they're looking for so you can create ride videos to generate more business now if you'd like to learn how you can take your keywords and use them to optimize your videos and also optimize your YouTube channel.

Then download my free video traffic reports it also contains an essential checklist how to get the best keywords for your videos click the link here on the site to get your hands on a Rs you can't click the link in the description below or underneath this video of its website or if you can't do any of them just type in this you're out here are you get your hands on the free reports. I'm david was and I hope you've enjoyed watching this video as much as I've enjoyed creating it for you head on over to get your free video traffic report and checked this now this you haven't done it's here place the link or click the link below on the URL low come on catcher checklist in traffic reports.